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Sexual behaviours in AS


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My son is 9 years old and for the most part displays the usual traits of Aspergers.


A more recent trait is some fairly minor sexualised behaviours.


He is going through what I would consider normal "self discovery" (although somewhat earlier than I did as a child) discovering his own body and that women are "pretty". This in itself is not so worrying although we have yet to do the whole sex education talk with him and so he doesn't fully understand what it is he is experiencing or why.


However he does tend to have some traits in terms of peoples bodies and certain words that have got him in trouble a couple of times.


We are aware he has been exposed at his school to sexual and "dirty" words and discussions and even some bullying but have had no support whatsoever from the school or social services. Infact they see him as a problem rather than a child with a condition (but maybe wouldn't be so quick to point the fingure and blame if he was in a wheel chair instead).


He also started writing his thoughts down, which seem to be childish over imagination mixed up with his sexual discovery and general "dirtyness" although they have been the cause for some concern as they make reference to his teacher and lude acts which you or I might consider a fettish or fantasy.


Has anyone been through this before and have any advice? We feel alone and in the dark on this!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm so sorry that no one has replied to you.


I'm not sure I really have any good advice, but has the father (not sure whether you're the father or mother) considered sitting down and talking about this issue with him? I think that would be a good start.


I hope you get this worked out.

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